Tuesday 6 October 2020

IFF Breakfast: Where The Heron Fish (06/10/20)

Where the Heron Fish 

Tap into the returning gap, 
with privileged attention to what makes you happy. 
Protect yourself from the insanity of thinking your way through the gloom. 
Empty yourself onto the ground of your tiredness, 
with the weather bleakly swirling through your possibilities. 

Stories are enough, when shared with people in touch with their human beauty.
The end is balanced between hope and acceptance, 
where your voice is heard, in all its frustration and disconnect. 
Collapse, walk beside the river where the heron fish. 
The hills are perched where you are gliding, touched by your small knowings. 
Hold the line; 
your agenda of unrelenting campaign for the reasonable, 
amidst systems of complexity. 
Shift, and feel deeply as you forge and witness your power.